UMARKHED Dist. Yavatmal 445206 (INDIA)
NAAC Reaccredited Grade A CGPA 3.12 (4thcycle) | | Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University

Department of Commerce
About Department & Faculty

Department Faculty Details
No Image Dr. Madhav B.Kadam
M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Mobile : 9422188211
E-Mail : kadam.m@gsgcollege.edu.in

No Image Dr. Pandurang D. Jadhav
M.A. (Eco), M.Phil., Ph.D., SET
Mobile : 9423436919
E-Mail : jadhao.p@gsgcollege.edu.in

No Image Dr. Kishor S. Navsagare
M.Com.,M.A.(Eco)B.Ed.,Ph.D., SET
Associate Professor
Mobile : 9850538101
E-Mail : navsagare@gsgcollege.edu.in




Year of Establishment:

The Department of Commerce has been established in the year 1966 with UG courses. After increasing interest and success at GSG, in 2019, the Commerce Department was expanded to include a post graduation (M.Com) programme as well.


To train the students to meet the challenges of contemporary business environment.


  • To build the conceptual foundation in areas of commerce
  • To equip the students with accounting and entrepreneurial skills.
  • To enhance management skills and analytical thinking for a successful career.
  • To develop students for professional career in accounting, finance, research and higher education 
  • To build life skills through value based education and service oriented programs


The department of Commerce is well equipped with basic facilities. The department has a computer  lab with a  fiber optic internet.

1 Computer Lab

2 Computer System

3 LCD Projecter 


Teaching methods:

  • Formal system of chalk and talk at UG level is adopted.
  • Interactive teaching
  • Student participative teaching
  • PPT presentations
  • Problem solving sessions
  • Seminars
  • Group discussions 

Conference / seminar Organized           

 National Conference on ' Cash to Cashless Economy : Opportunities & Challenges'  (CCEOC-2019) 9th  February -2019

Research Activities:

Dr.M. B. Kadam, head of the department has completed  UGC funded minor research project on “ Impact of agricultural credit society on small and marginal farmers: A case study of Umarkhed Taluka in Yavatmal District.in the year 2013.

He has been  awarded  ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ on 07 June.2010  by S.R.T.M.U.Nanded . The title of thesis is “The Performance analysis of Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Limited, Mumbai ’.

Dr.P. D. Jadhav, department of commerce  has completed  UGC funded minor research project on “ Structural changes in agriculture sector in Vidarbha Region in the year 2009.

He has been  awarded  ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ on 13 Dec.2014  by S.R.T.M.U.Nanded . The title of thesis is “Vidarbhatil Krushi Vikas v Rachnatmak badal’.

Dr.K. S. Navsagare, department of commerce  has completed  UGC funded minor research project on “ Yavatmal Jilhyatil Shetmajuranche Arthik Sthitiche Adhyayan in the year 2013.

The faculty are actively involved in research publications in international and national journals, International and national conferences, seminars and workshops. So far 70 + papers have been published.

The department runs  UG ,PG & Ph.D  programmes. The dipartment has recognise research center for Ph.D. 






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