ICT Facilities:
Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi, Computers, laptops, scanners, printers, and a projector are among the IT resources available at the college. The technology advisory committee is formed who deals with the issues and policies for improved IT facilities on the campus. 06 classrooms are ICT enabled and 07 LCD projectors are being used for academic purposes.
FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING:The seminar hall also have LCD projector and internet access. For student security and monitoring, CCTV cameras are installed in every porch, hallway, campus, college entrance and exit, and library. A local area network is used in the computer lab (LAN).Under NME-ICT 50 MBPS connectivity in the network is availed by the institute. Additional 2 MBPS connections are available as standby mode AISHE Survey data are being uploaded regularly. Institutional website is regularly updated and restructured time to time. The IT department reviews the status of desktop computers and recommend for requirements. The administrative office purchase the required Desktop/Printers/Peripherals and distribute to academic departments as well as office. The Wi-Fi facility is available in a restricted way. College management system is in place for office works such as admission report generation, fee. Collection, students roll lists and bonafide.
The institute is very conscious about the students and their uninterrupted learning. During COVID-19 pandemic, the offline classroom teaching has suddenly got break and the teaching has to be shifted from offline to online mode. But the teachers prepared themselves for online teaching. They use Whatsapp for communicating with students and creating their groups in order to send google meet links. The college facilitates G-suite for conducting online classes. Laptops and computer systems are made available in the college for conducting lectures. Wi-Fi connections and Lan Networks are used in order to conduct the classes. LCD projectors , computer systems, android phones, smart TV, laptops along with internet connections are the tools that are used by every teacher throughout the year for teaching, testing and evaluation process during the lockdown period. The teachers use ICT tools such as LCD projectors , computer systems, android phones, smart TV, laptops, google classrooms and other applications for all classes as a regular practice to strengthen teaching learning process.