The A & S Gawande Alumni Trust, Reg.No.E-203 (YTL.), established in 2007, is a registered association of GSG Alumni. The purpose of the Trust is to strengthen the connection between alumni and GSG College and to provide opportunities to allow alumni to participate in college activities sponsored by Trust.
It was framed intent to benefit students of the college. In fact it is voluntary pay back to college from alumni. The alumni provide guidance for the college students on source and skill employment, career development, mentorship, internship, research etc. They also contribut in making the college as innovation center for learning and for the same they are providing learning resources.
Registration Link:
A & S Gawande Alumni Trust
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Adv. Ashok Pralhad Mahamune |
President |
2 |
Shri Chandrashekhar Kisanlal Jaiswal |
Vice President |
3 |
Shri Prabhakar Shankarrao Batewar |
4 |
Shri Maroti Kisanrao Thakare |
Joint Secretary
5 |
Shri Narayandas Narsinghdas Bhattad |
6 |
Shri Shankarrao Santoba Hingmire |
Trustee |
7 |
Adv. Madhaorao Pandurang Mane |
Trustee |
8 |
Adv. Rejeshwar Shankarrao Rayewar |
Trustee |
9 |
Shri Narayan Gangaram Alme |
Trustee |
Shri Subhash Arjunrao Divekar |
Trustee |
11 |
Shri Anandrao Bhagwanrao Chikane |
Trustee |
12 |
Shri Deepak Laxminarayan Tela |
Trustee |
13 |
Shri Dilip Purushottam Sarda |
Trustee |
14 |
Shri Durgasinh Ganeshsinh Thakur |
Trustee |
15 |
Shri Aniruddha Gopalrao Mukkawar. |
Trustee |