Where is GSG College?
GSG College is located in the city of Umarkhed in the state of Maharashtra, India. There are approximately 40,000 people living in Umarkhed and it is the largest city in a 100 mile radius.
The College's address and telephone number is:
Gopikabai Sitaram Gawande Mahavidyala
Is GSG College accredited? By what accrediting body?
Yes, GSG College has been accredited by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council.
When is the academic year?
Generally, the academic year starts in the middle of June and ends in late April. Click here for the current Academic Calendar.
Whom shall I contact about visiting GSG College?
If you are interested in visiting GSG college, please send an email [ gsgcollege1966@gmail.com ].
Is a visa required to visit GSG College?
Yes, please visit https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/ to learn how to acquire a visa to India.
Where is nearest airport?
The nearest airport is the Nagpur Airport, a 5-6 hour drive from GSG College.
What is the climate like?
Umarkhed varies from a dry to semi-humid climate throughout the year, except during the monsoon months of June and September. Average temperatures for the year range from 55°F (13°C) to 108°F (42°C).
Where will I stay while visiting GSG?
You will stay at the guesthouse on the GSG campus.
What is provided at the guesthouse?
The guesthouse has five bedrooms, five bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and kitchenette. Each bedroom has two twin size beds and one desk. The bathrooms have western-style toilets and running water for bucket baths. Wi-Fi, bedding, towels, and dinnerware are provided. A private cook and laundry services are also available upon request.
Is there computer and internet access for visitors?
Yes. The guesthouse has WiFi, and visitors are encouraged to bring their own laptops. Visitors are also welcome to use the computer labs at the college which are connected to the Internet. Internet speed at the college is approximately 0.5 mbps.
Is there a school cafeteria?
There is a small canteen that offers tea and snacks. Your local host will help arrange your meals.
Is the area safe?
The area is generally safe, but like anywhere else the usual precautions are advised. We recommend locking up your passports, money and valuable items in your rooms as a precaution and locking your room when you leave. Locks will be provided.
Do I need to get any vaccinations before arriving?
Visit http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/india for vaccination recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control.
Is the water safe to drink?
Safe, filtered water will be provided at the guest house. While traveling, you are recommended to carry a bottle filled with water from the guest house or purchase only bottled water with an untampered seal.
Is it possible for a student to get prescriptions filled?
Yes, but some medications that are available in other countries are not available in India. A physician will be available to help you identify a substitute.
How bad are the bugs?
There are mosquitos and other insects. We recommend using mosquito repellant and keeping your bags closed.
Is there electricity in Umarkhed?
Yes, but electricity does go out occasionally. Please bring a flashlight.
What about money?
We recommend changing your money to the Indian currency, Rupees, before arriving at the college. If you need money changed during your visit, assistance can be provided.
What if someone at home needs to contact me, or vice versa?
Prior to your visit, a local host will be assigned to you. Contact information for your local host will be provided, and that person can assist you. For guests with extended stays, a cell phone can also be provided to you upon request.
How should I dress while visiting GSG?
Lightweight cotton tunics, loose-fitting cotton or linen pants, a light sweater, and comfortable shoes that are easily slipped on and off are recommended for optimal comfort. Men typically wear long pants and short sleeve shirts. Shorts (half pants) and skirts above the calf are discouraged. Women typically wear long pants and a long shirt that falls below the hips. Indian clothing can be easily purchased locally.
How close is public transportation?
There is a bus stop near campus.
How far is the grocery store?
There is a grocery store approximately 4 kilometers from campus.
What accommodations are available for the physically impaired?
Most buildings have stairs and currently are not wheelchair accessible.
If you have a question that was not answered above, please feel free to gsgcollege1966@gmail.com and we will address your question directly.